Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA)

Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA)

Class of 2027 officers:
President: Konstantin Nakov
Vice President: Idamys Saez Acosta
Secretary: Garrett Rutt
Treasurer: Alex Abouafech
Faculty Advisor: Dr. Nicole Myers

Florida Osteopathic Medical Association (FOMA):
The FOMA is the state association that represents the osteopathic profession in Florida’s state government. It is the fourth largest state osteopathic medical association in the country and the Executive Office is located in Tallahassee, FL. The FOMA was organized for the purposes of advancing the science and art of osteopathic medicine; extending the benefits of scientific advancement to the treatment, prevention, and alleviation of human ailments; and promoting closer relationships between the osteopathic profession, FOMA members, and other groups dedicated to improved health care.

As a Student Chapter, we advocate and educate our community about osteopathic medicine through our volunteer events. In the past year, we have been a part of the Hispanic Health Fair and the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. We work with our local district, which is led by Dr. Anthony Montanarro, and attend their meetings. We’ve had physicians and fourth years attend our meetings as guest speakers. There are three conferences that we attend: the Mid-year Seminar in Tampa, the Annual Convention in Weston, and Osteopathic Medicine Day in Tallahassee.

Board Member Responsibilities:
-Attends FOMA conferences
-Presents on club activities at FOMA District 7 meetings
-Organize and plan meeting content
-Attend each SGA meetings
-Assists other officers
-Organizes guest speakers

Vice President:
– Assists President on duties
-Coordinates with other officers

-Collect Dues ($5) from incoming members
-Make withdrawals and deposits into the club bank account
-Retrieves and purchases club meeting meals
-Plans 1 fundraiser per year

-Takes meeting “minutes” and submits them to SGA
-Plan’s Club meals
-Emails club members with announcements

Volunteer Coordinator:
-Plan at least 1 Service event per semester
-Works with faculty to plan volunteer opportunities