International Medical Society (IMS)

International Medical Society (IMS)

Class of 2027 officers:
President: Olivia Grande
Vice President: Maggie Ferrara
Secretary: Sophia Kammann
Treasurer: Mackenzie Robbins
Community Outreach Chair: Abby Abraham

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Lorenzo

Club description: The International Medical Society serves to provide students with opportunities to explore the many facets and aspects of international medicine. IMS aims to accomplish this by inviting speakers with experience in international healthcare, sponsoring volunteer activities where students can interact with minority populations, and providing opportunities to attend medical mission trips. IMS sponsors the week-long Jamaican mission trip in association with the Hillsborough County Osteopathic Medical Society, but members have also traveled to Nicaragua with the LECOM Pharmacy school and to Honduras as well. Through these opportunities, the International Medical Society hopes to offer members a glimpse into international healthcare practices and public health.

Club events: International Dinner; supply drives for the medical mission trips; this year, we’re hoping to team up with a variety of different clubs to organize a variety of FUN fundraisers!

Jamaica trip 2015

Club dues are $20